Sunday, July 26, 2015
Easy Mondays
P.S. The Title may say mMnday but lets be honest Romance is for everyday of the week
Saturday, July 25, 2015
Sunday, July 8, 2012
moment of clarity
Friday, August 27, 2010
Is it just me?
Monday, August 23, 2010
Review: Rush by Jonathan Friesen

Author: Jonathan Friesen
Pages: 296
Pub. Date: June 2010
Synopsis (from B&N): Equal parts romance and heart-pounding action, this novel will leave you absolutely breathless. Join teen Jake King, an adrenaline junkie turned hotshot firefighter, as he struggles with the one risk he cannot take: losing his best friend and secret love, the beautiful Salome Lee. But to Jake, firefighting is like breathing pure adrenaline. And if he doesn't stop soon, they could all get burned
Opinion/Review: I have to be completely honest and say that when I picked this book up it was because I liked the author’s previous book (jerk California). The whole fire idea was a little iffy for me but I’m glad that I bought this book. The main character Jake is misunderstood by everyone except his best friend Salome. They don’t understand the need for the brain clearing adrenaline. He has to do his crazy stunts to feel like everybody does but one stunt leads to a series of life changes that could be disastrous for Jake, Salome and the town of Brockton, California. Let me start out by saying that this fictional town revolves around the firefighters who come during the wildfire season. Even Jake’s brother is part of these crews until his friend becomes an immortal (a secret firefighter club). The whole town turns on the king family, investigations are digging into mysterious deaths and Jake is a blind idiot. I definitely recommend this book but have to give it a 4 out of 5 just because it took Jake too long to see what was right under his nose.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Something like Fate

Yes something like Fate comes out may 4, 2010 and on friday I will post my review of Something Like Fate so that you can see what I thought and go buy the book on Tuesday May 4, 2010.
Lani and Erin are bonded for life. One thing that connects them is their fascination of fate. Lani wonders how much of our lives has already been decided and how much we can actually influence. Since the Unknown can unexpectedly change our lives forever, how much can we really control?
From the minute Lani meets Jason, she can't deny the intense connection they share. It feels like she's known him forever. She's not sure if he feels it, too. But it doesn't matter. Because Jason is Erin's boyfriend. Lani is determined to ignore her feelings for Jason, no matter how powerful they are, rather than risk hurting her best friend.
What if the boy who is your destiny is the one person you can't have?